September 07, 2008

Prince Gettin All Alex Hailey N'Shit, The Endzone Hijinx Total Fuck Up Embarrassment & Crowd Please on My Nuttsack Niggaz!

Prince had a surprise show at a local high school yesterday. The biggest surprise was that hardly anybody showed up, and those that did, didn't even realize it was Prince. He had corn rows and was about three shades darker than normal. It would have been easy to mistake him for Coolio if you weren't a super fan like me.

Anyway, he seemed all too happy to serenade me at the edge of the stage because I was the only one who seemed to give a shit.

It was pretty gay.

Later on I was playing football with a bunch of strangers. I made a touchdown and failed miserably at a celebratory
back flip.

It was pretty gay.

Way earlier, before my date with Prince, I stepped in as the lead singer for a really famous band who happen to be good friends of mine. As usual I failed to prepare, thinking my genius was such that I could just wing it and get standing ovations from here to Idaho.

But I really really sucked --


The crowd hated me, the band hated me, the security guards hated me, the air hated me, my hair hated me, a pear hated me, a bear hated me, cher hated me, Nelson Mandela hated me.

So I said a bunch of racist shit and left.

It was pretty cool.

I ended up at an all keyboard jam session in the basement of my friend's high end design store.

It was SUPER gay.

Point being:
Prince seems like a bottom.

That's all for now,
Don't get caught failing to be funny imitating Phish with a Casio pocket keyboard.
Your Tri-State Backwards Somersault Queen First Runner Up
Princess Scabby Scalp McGee (& the Revolution)

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