June 11, 2007

The Longest Hug, Opinionated Fake Brazilians & The Old Fashioned Boarding School Upstairs

I finally met a woman I have known for two years, we hugged three miles past awkward one block east of family, around the corner from romance and down the hill from sadness. It's not marked on the map so don't bother looking for it, you've probably been there anyway. I'd like to go more often but I haven't a clue where it is or where I was. I certainly wasn't checking my watch. The kitchen window was an airplane window, when I looked outside I think I could see Chicago. Sunny day.

I bought a great little motorcycle, *little* being the key word. It wasn't a wuss bike by any means, it had all the power of any bike I have ever ridden.

"Are you seriously gonna drive that around?" asked an old friend.

"Of course I am, it's a great bike, here, take it for a spin."

My friend hopped on and I instructed him from the side lines as he rode all over my old high school parking lot going through various obstacles, towing giant trailers, and doing donuts on the lawn.

"Told you it has lots of power." I said.

"Yeah but you still look like a fag riding it."

"Since when have I ever cared about that?"

On the other side of the school, up on the roof they installed a visual elevator, visual meaning one stayed still on the roof and looked through an electronic telescope gizmo at the ground which quickly zoomed out giving a sensation of lift so strong that it would actually cause one's feet to leave the roof sending one flying hundreds of feet in the air. Not to worry though, all one had to do to get down was to re-zoom the telescope back to the ground to land safe and sound.

On the way home I had an argument with some fake brazilians about the weather. Fake because I speak portuguese and I could tell they were probably germans faking the language. Anyway, it wasn't the first time I was attacked for liking the cold and fog. I don't know why every time I mention my dislike of the sun, some asshole has to challenge me on it like I'm lying. Worse yet is when I finally have them convinced I'm telling the truth, they insist there is something wrong with me. Hey fuck you and your stupid sun. Seriously, FUCK OFF.

I went upstairs to visit one of my tenants for the first time since she moved in years ago. I'm pretty hands off as far as landlording goes. From what I could tell she moved in 15-20 of her best girlfriends. The large square room was lined with beds in a manner that you might see in an old fashioned boarding school movie. Each bed from a different era, pretty much all classic bed designs were represented. Each bed was flanked with matching lamps. It was like a bedroom museum. She really did a nice job with the whole thing, almost good enough to be forgiven for her betty page haircut. O well, if you're gonna be obsessed with the past, you may as well go all out. One of the girls was giving me major stink eye because I slept with her a while back without realizing she lived in my building. I didn't remember her name either so I did my best to avoid eye contact.

I returned downstairs to my own apartment because I had a lot of cleaning to do, but just as I started, the power went out , so I took a long nap and had awkward sex dreams about platonic friends instead.

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