January 21, 2006

Raymi's New Meat Dress, The Razorblade Waving Toothless Sandwich Eater and The PedalBrain Dead Chick

Raymi was wearing a raw t-bone steak meat dress she just got and she was really excited about it. At first I thought it was real meat but looking more closely it was just finely embroidered fabric that glistened like meat with sewn in ivory that looked like t-bones. The sewing was so precise you could see every strand of muscle tissue and it even had the iridescence meat tissue has when you look at it really closely. We were walking down an average looking street with Jamie who kept acting like his army jacket was a cape while standing on railings, cars, trash cans and what not. Nobody was laughing and I don't think he was trying to be funny I just think he likes standing on tall stuff.

As we approached an intersection, there was a stereotypical looking homeless type man with a long beard and scraggily partially dreaded hair and he was mumbling something at Raymi and me. As I often do when confronted by obnoxious homeless assholes I said something equally obnoxious back to him and Raymi started laughing and walking like a cripple.

"You think that's funny sonny boy -- you think you're funny you and yer little friend?"

The homeless dude had a razor blade and he was thrusting it at me with a little twisting motion in his wrist.

"Raymi, watch out he has a rusty razor blade"

"Oooooh scary" Raymi said as she leaned up against a wall right next to the dude and started pretending to read a book.

I couldn't tell if she was doing it to blend in and act like she wasn't there or if she was doing it as an act of courage and defiance, either way I think the homeless dude was equally baffled so he kinda calmed down. Still mumbling he walked over to the traffic box attached to the traffic light pole, he opened it up and took out a big submarine sandwich and after taking a big toothless bite shoved the rest into his ragged tweed jacket.

A minute or two later a crazy black woman got off the bus and started trying to walk with us. Raymi and I kept thowing and kicking things in her path to try to make her fall down and stop following us. eventually I kicked an old bicycle into her path and she fell on it and the pedal went straight into her brain and she was basically dead. Her brain had soap bubbles on it which was strange. Raymi and I laughed an uncomfortable completely unfunny "what the fuck?" kind of laugh. What else can you do?

I have no Idea where Jamie went. He was probably standing on something waving his "cape".


Berlin Hair Baby said...

merkley??? my advice is if you drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let 'em go, because, man. They're gone.

Jamie said...

I'm over here.

poopee shmoopee said...

haha. i love that you did the crazy black lady in with some old bicycle that you kicked at her.