January 21, 2006

Fun Tomato Goop Jelly, Butterface The Cock Blocker and Fake Fights With Mike

I suppose it's not completely impractical to have a tomato sauce table specifically designed for making tomato sauce. I mean, let's just say you were a professional tomato saucer, you'd want the big hole in the middle that sucked off all the peels and you'd probably appreciate the little grooves that separated the little seeds from the tomato jelly. Nobody ever uses just the tomato seeds. They should. the tomato jelly goop is fun to play with. I couldn't remember why my bucket had so many canned tomato sauce lids in it. I was probably cheating. I have a way of blocking out my own sins.

Another nifty gadget is the one that keeps an accurate count of every person on every bus or train in your area at any given time. Its a great little palm pilot add on. You can change the prefs so that you can see the exact number of passengers that have ever ridden any given train. My one complaint is that without commas, the number 988566782291 hardly makes any sense, there is no way that many people have ridden that one particular train anyway. I don't care if it IS the most popular downtown train either. That number can't be right.

Butterface is a great dog and everything but I'm not super thrilled when she wrestles her way between me and a beautifully naked woman. I like it even less when I try to move her out of the way to get a little boob to chest action and the beautiful girl goes "awwwe, don't kick her out". Butterface was salting my game. That girl sure did look great naked, I never expected her tall runway model body to look that good because I really prefer shorter slightly more curvy girls. She was also way more fun to fuck than to hang out with. She had a lot of sweetness in her eyes.

I decided to walk around with my white t-shirt pulled up over my head for a while. It shielded me from the heat. I walked on over to the hoopty 7-11 across the street to buy a slurpee but they didn't even have a slurpee machine. Isn't that like the anchor that every 7-11 needs? Yeah, well they didn't have one and when I asked, the dude pointed at the blender and told me he'd make me a slurpee with it. He poured in some sunkist orange soda, some crushed ice and turned it on. What do you know -- it worked. I had him add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and it ended up tasting just like a creamcicle. Of course everyone wanted on after that. Copy cats.

I went back over to my childhood best friends house to hang out. They still had all the dark fake wood paneling. There were many different family members there. Lots of kids I had never seen, black kids too -- since when? Since it was Saturday, the kids all organized a Saturday afternoon dance party in the kitchen. They sure were having a hell of a lot of fun.

My mom was there and I got into a somewhat civil conversation with her for once. I talked about how much I hated being a child with all the restrictions and what not and I asked her if she could tell that back then.

"You were a very intense child, you have always been an adult. You never really were a kid I don't think."

Yeah, well that makes a lot of sense. I never did like kids much, I always thought adults were cooler.

My brother Mike was there. He looked so much like he did when he was a kid. We did some fake fighting, I pretended to slap his face a billion times and we laughed at how stupid we were acting. I liked touching my brother's face. That side of my family was never a really huggy or touchy and I think we missed out on a lot because of it. I think it's a good idea to touch your brother's face every once in a while, even if you're just playing around fake fighting. He is a good brother. I was sad when I had to leave him.

1 comment:

gabrielle said...

i like how different the actual story is from the instant image your keywords gave me last night. i think i might like this blog best.