January 10, 2006

The Magic Hoverability of Tin Foil, The Best Mug of Ice Water and The Cowboy Attorney

I suppose roads are nice, but it's not like we really need them now that we all have hovercrafts. I mean taking off over fields and cresting mountain tops is a hell of a lot of fun. It's really opened up a whole new world of travel. No longer do we have to see something way off the road and be content with the distant view, now we can just hover on over and check it out. the future is pretty cool. I like these new hovering tin foil flying saucers the kids all are making too. What a successful fad, I mean those things are everywhere just spinning and hovering at about 4 feet above the ground. How many years did we have tin foil before we discovered that if you fold it just so, the natural magnetic fields of the earth hold it above the ground in the air? Such a remarkable discovery. I like this new green world dotted with tin foil flying saucers. The bright sparkly silver looks really great against the green grassy plains and dark bluegray skies.

This whole day has been like a tall glass of ice water both metaphorically and literally. I don't think I have enjoyed a big tall mug full of ice water this much since those hot summer days in Utah. I can really see what my step dad Boyd saw in these big mugs of ice water. But I really do wish people would just stop putting pieces of garbage in perfectly good frosty mugs of ice cold water. It's just not right. I'm just gonna lay right here on this couch and enjoy this tall glass of ice cold water.

Riding horses with The Cowboy Attorney was pretty interesting. I'd never been to any outlaw camps, hell I didn't even know there was such a thing as outlaw camps. What the fuck is this the wild west? Who calls themselves The Cowboy Attorney anyway? These motherfuckers are probably all brokeback fags. "The Cowboy Attorney" pssshhhhh.. how gay. I hope they don't think I'm gay.

"Howdy, I'm The Cowboy Attorney."

"It's OK boys, he's The Cowboy Attorney, let'm through."

I do have to admit though, I am glad I have a connected dude like The Cowboy Attorney to show me around. I did fear for my life a little. The criminal dude on the horse really did look like he could kick some serious ass, even his horse looked like a bad ass motherfucker. I'll bet these dudes are soooo pissed about Brokeback Mountain ---- yeah right, these dudes don't see movies, they are too busy hiding out from the law and taking meetings with "The Cowboy Attorney".

BTW, why do tough dudes always think I'm cool? My whole life tough dudes have always been on my side. Tough dudes are nearly always impressed with artistic talent, you might not think it but it's true. If you ever end up in prison and you can draw, you'll be home free -- open up the tattoo shop and get ready to be the coolest dude around man.


Wendy said...

I am so far behind in your dreams. I am going to sit down tonight and catch up.

WV: ppvdee LOL! pee pee VD! Pee Pee VD! Now that will play in my head over and over til I have to Pee and have VD.

merkley??? said...

"I am so far behind in your dreams"

ha ha ha -- that's awesome -- like it's homework or something. i'd never really guess that anyone would be interested in this crap.

one day you'll probably be called to testify or something -- your testimony will be the one that puts me away for good.